Gentle Listener,
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Shea Butters, Manservant to alleged “stars”, Christopher Rice & Eric Shaw Quinn. They are the co-hosts of The Dinner Party Show with Christopher Rice and Eric Shaw Quinn. Apparently, my job is to mention their full names as often as possible and to see to it that you join them and their guests here each week for their Dinner Party Show. For those of you who have happened upon this website by accident while searching for non-sickening recipes or passive-aggressive etiquette tips, The Dinner Party Show is the Internet’s first LIVE comedy Variety Show.
While it pains me to pay compliment to Mssrs. Rice and Quinn, I must admit I find much of their show mildly amusing and very occasionally informative. Perhaps you will too. If not, pornography and cat videos are only a click away. My guess is that after only a few minutes of hearing their madcap take on everything from politics to Saturday morning cartoon programming, you will find them smarter than the average bears. Please do join us, Sundays at 8 PM Eastern/5 PM Pacific, here beginning November 11, 2012. So, what good is sitting alone in your room? You bring dinner, they’ll bring the party.
The Dinner Party Show.
Everyone Gets Served.
PS — Enclosed also, please find a photo that I believe captures the tone and precipitously lowbrow level of their upcoming LiveCast.