Ep. 149 – A Season For Scary Stories

October 15, 2022

As your hosts Christopher and Eric kick off the Halloween season, they turned to you, our beloved Party People, to hear about the scariest experience you ever had that couldn’t be easily explained. Ghosts! Messages from the beyond! Strange figures walking in the woods. There are chills aplenty on this spooky new episode, thanks to your spine-tingling contributions on The Dinner Party Show’s Facebook page. And a last minute addition from critic-at-large Jordan Ampersand that’s sure to terrify anyone with a shred of decency or common sense. 

Christopher & Eric
Christopher & Eric
Christopher Rice & Eric Shaw Quinn

New York Times bestselling novelists Christopher Rice (The Burning Girl Series) and Eric Shaw Quinn (The Write Murder Mysteries) return to their studio on West Hollywood’s Sunset Strip for an all new podcast that’s all talk. Join them for their trademark blend of humor, irreverence and passionate opinion as they dish on some of the most popular true crime TV shows of the moment in their recurring, special feature “Christopher & Eric’s True Crime TV Club”. (A production of TDPS, the same network that brought you the comedy/variety and celebrity interview filled fun of The Dinner Party Show.)

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