Southern Sins continues with the second in a true crime pairing. This particular installment of True Crime Movie Time presents a searing and disturbing cinematic look at a South Florida murder steeped in sexual repression, abuse and addiction. No stranger to controversy, director Larry Clark made a name for himself chronicling the lives of America’s troubled and disaffected youth. So it’s no surprise he turned his attention to the dark and twisted tale of Bobby Kent and the Florida teens who decided there was only one way to put a stop to Bobby’s physical and psychological violence. BULLY is a gritty, unsettling and uncompromising look at a dark corner of America’s youth culture starring a talented young actor, Brad Renfro, whose life was tragically cut short. But how does it hold up against the facts of the case?
Christopher & Eric
Christopher Rice & Eric Shaw Quinn
New York Times bestselling novelists Christopher Rice (The Burning Girl Series) and Eric Shaw Quinn (The Write Murder Mysteries) return to their studio on West Hollywood’s Sunset Strip for an all new podcast that’s all talk. Join them for their trademark blend of humor, irreverence and passionate opinion as they dish on some of the most popular true crime TV shows of the moment in their recurring, special feature “Christopher & Eric’s True Crime TV Club”. (A production of TDPS, the same network that brought you the comedy/variety and celebrity interview filled fun of The Dinner Party Show.)